Friday, November 4, 2011

Using our VOICE and setting boundaries

In session two,  we focused on watching the subtle cues of body language. Did you know many times when someone drops eye contact with you or gently moves away they are sending a signal? The Girls Being Girls group disected just exactly what that may mean and how to respond to it. The girls and teachers shared different experiences when first impressions where made in just how someone gave them eye contact or personal space. We talked about being responsive to the signals others give us and reacting appropriately to them. A great way to check in with your daughter and practice this is to possibly role play different emotions through charades or when watching a movie ask your daughter to share what their body language is saying. Although it may seem like a simple task, it is a very grey area sometimes, especially as we try to view the actions of our peers. So many messages- it is definitely great discussion and builds your daughter's social intelligence!

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