Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our first meeting!

We had a great start to the Girls Being Girls group. The girls were excited to share all the wonderful qualities of being a girl! The words sounded like: strong, funny, smart and caring. When we asked them to think of words to describe adult women, we heard words like:patient, helpful, loving and the boss of the house!

The girls created "Positive Reflections" locker mirrors focusing them on the skill of using affirmations. We explained that affirmations are positive words or encouraging staments that have a personal meaning or motivation for us. We shared that even adults use affirmations as a strategy to build their self-esteem.

The locker mirrors were amazing! We hope to post some pictures of them soon and appreciate all of the wonderful donations to help this group process.


  1. Katie is really enjoying GBG - thanks so much for offering this opportunity!

  2. This sounds great...Calista has had great things to say about the program too! (I’m afraid the “boss of the house” was her description of me though....:-))
