Friday, November 4, 2011

How is your TONE?? Using our voice in a way others want to hear it

During session three, we examined our tone of voice and how it can impact the way others view us. Similar to the previous session on body language, the way we say it can directly impact our relationships. For example, if a statement was made, "I really like your shirt!" can sound much different than, "I really like your shirt?" By changing the tone, the words are received much differently. We contrasted speaking with an authentic tone versus speaking with a sarcastic tone. The girls then practiced the different tones and watched the body language of the person responding. If they did offend in their tone, the follow up step was to practice an appropriate response of an apology.

As a parent, you may of given this discussion on tone before...I know I have. It is a difficult habit to correct in your child without feeling frustrated. Sometimes the best opportunities are when your child is feeling like someone gave them "tone". Ask them to share how it felt, how they wished that other person would have responded to them. Then ask a reflective question like, "I wonder if you have ever made someone feel that way?" Brainstorm ways to remind and correct the bad habit of negative tone and sarcasm. Please share any great ideas you may have!


  1. Lanie is not only enjoying GBG, it seems like her confidence is growing as a result! She sported a ponytail for school on Monday...for the first time ever (big deal for Lanie who doesn't like to fuss with her hair)! It was nice to hear that several girls complimented her new do!

  2. G-B-G sounds so fun and educational - I wish I could come, too :)
